Dylan Rundle: Interspection
Interspection - to examine a state of betweenness. This exhibition is a selection of work that considers the agency of the physical drawing in the context of contemporary architectural practice. These drawings invite viewers to consider drawing as a vehicle for communication to others as well as communication with the self. The work looks towards speculating the interrelationships of art and architecture while setting free architectural representation from the real-world constraints it is so often plagued by.
Public viewing dates:
OPENING RECEPTION during Walk All Over Waterloo: Friday, June 7, 2024, from 5–9pmArtist Talk: Sunday, June 30, starting at 12:00 p.m.
Additional public viewing dates:
Friday, July 5, 2024, from 5-9pm, coinciding with the Waterloo Arts District’s Walk All Over Waterloo event.
Dylan Rundle in his studio
“I sketch almost every day as a designer at an architecture firm. It's the perfect medium for quick ideation on my own or with others. I think there's some serious value in acknowledging design artifacts as art objects. To me, it just makes sense to bring these drawings and ideas back to my studio so they can contribute to a larger conversation in the arts other than just being a utility in a particular architectural project; especially when so many of these quick ideas need to be scrapped because it's not appropriate or pragmatic.”
I approach my work in a systematic way. I often begin with some kind of formal or graphical concept I want to explore, which typically becomes the title. From there I might do research or make studies until I can build a logic that defines the piece. Oftentimes it feels like I’m solving a puzzle, trying to make a precise drawing about a precise idea.” – Dylan Rundle
Dylan Rundle is an architectural designer and interdisciplinary artist based in Cleveland, Ohio. Alongside his artist practice, he currently works as a designer with a speciality in architectural graphics and parametric systems. Dylan earned his bachelor of architecture and a minor in studio art from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His graduating thesis was nominated for the Harriet R. Peck Prize and his designs and collaborations have been published by Dezeen and featured in an AD (Architectural Design). Dylan has exhibited in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Montreal.
Composition, Ink, acrylic, and graphite on oriented strand board, 2024
18” x 24”